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May 15, 2019

Mental Health Month 2019 Pt 2 - Discussion on the church and mental health

We continue with our discussion on mental health this month and Paul brings up the topic of what the church has done right and not so right in helping those with mental health.  We find out through the conversation that Paul and Aaron disagree on a few things regarding mental health - but we can agree to disagree on a few things and not let it dampen our friendship.  Find out what we disagree on, find out how many tangents Josh takes us on (hint: a few),  and find out what Aaron's new favorite word is as well.

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Email: uywords@gmail.com
Website: http://uywords.com

Interact with Aaron on Social Media:
Instagram: amusicman95
Snapchat: RonJohn2395
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaMusicman95

Interact with Paul on Social Media:
Twitter: @pdearmen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/armentpau